Pregnant in Vienna - A Review

Pregnant in Vienna

My pregnancy. A growing. Becoming round. An up and down ride of my feelings. An ending of a phase of life. Preparing for a new stage of life. Anticipation and fear. My body is changing. I don't know it again. Nausea. Heartburn. Back pain. Potentiated emotionality. Suddenly hull. Suddenly just belly. Like a mantra, always the same questions. Always the same answers. And yet I had a great time. Surrounded myself with strong inspiring women and want to share my experiences here:

Midwife recommendation for Vienna: Barbara Priesner

Pregnancy yoga recommendation for Vienna: Lisa Prutscher at Feelgood Studio

Mental training in preparation for birth: Kristin Graf: The Peaceful Birth

Blessing Way recommendation for Vienna: Stephanie Johne

Women's vacation in pregnancy around Vienna: La Pura

Baby bump shoot: photographer Julia from storylines photography

Pregnant artist

During my pregnancy, many of my artworks were created. As a pregnant artist I have made my emotional chaos, my thought and my feelings visible. Especially the paintings Schwangerschaftsglow and Schwangerschaftsglow 2 express my body feeling as a pregnant woman. And during my pregnancy I built up the SCHUBERT GALLERY.

Pregnant artist Vienna

Viennese artist pregnant

Carina Schubert pregnant